Continuous Learning
Andrea Longoria, Learning & Development Instructional Designer
To the senior about to graduate high school, the driven individual completing their GED, the passionate self-starter enrolling in a workshop, or any other learner reaching out for something more – this article is for you. What are some of the first thoughts crossing your mind when finishing an achievement, such as an educational program? For myself, I know my first thought was, “I am done with school, F-O-R-E-V-E-R!” Boy was I wrong!
What some of us do not realize is that we are, in fact, lifelong learners. Lifelong learners take part in continuous learning, which by definition, is the ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional growth. Therefore, it not only enhances social inclusion, active citizenship, and personal development, but also self-sustainability. This is important to all of us, because the desire to own your personal and professional development will create the foundation for your overall success.
Continuous Learning is not limited to degree programs or attending a traditional brick and mortar school. Continuous Learning is, however, an individual who seeks out all learning opportunities available to them. Some examples of this include:
Asking for help when something is not understood, or asking questions
Observing more experienced team members through shadowing
Trying new ways of doing things and exploring alternative methods
Implementing what you have learned and sharing that knowledge
Continually finding ways to improve programs, processes, or trainings
As professionals, we need to be conscious of our surroundings and of the current workforce needs. As you may already be aware, unemployment rates are exceptionally low. This is great for our mission at Goodwill, but it also means the current, available jobs are highly competitive.
Why does this matter to you, Goodwill, or anyone else? Often times, we get into the comfortability of our jobs, create a workflow, and manage our time so that we get through each day. This means that we enter jobs, complete our on the job training, and then we stop learning. It is not enough to just show up, do your job and go home. We need to challenge ourselves to continually develop, accomplish the goals we set, and foster a culture that supports and sets a standard for meaningful, continuous learning for all.
One of the greatest things about being a part of Goodwill is that there are so many unique learning pathways to choose from. Can you think of any ways Goodwill helps employees create a culture of continuous learning? Here are a few:
Mentor Program
Leadership Academy
LMS Online Training Modules
Lunch and Learn
You, yes you – you were destined for great things! We all are. I want to challenge you to take ownership of your learning and create a journey that is specific to your strengths, your needs and your career goals. You have the knowledge and resources to build a personal foundation that supports those goals. Be brave! Be bold! Ask questions and seek out opportunities to learn and grow. Share your ideas with peers and help motivate them to do the same. Most importantly, be committed to your personal lifelong learning. Becoming the best version of yourself starts with the most important person of all, YOU!