Performance Management
Now introducing Performance Management inside of Workday! Key components of this new feature include: setting goals, annual reviews, coaching, disciplinary actions, PIPs and more.
Please read the below for information regarding the new performance management process:
We are taking a staged approach in the transition to the new process.
- Mission and Beryl will be included in the first wave (Jul)
- Retail and ROC will be included in the second wave (Oct/Nov)
- Leadership Team will be included in the third wave (Dec/Jan)
- If you are part of the 2nd or 3rd wave, please hold off on performing annual reviews.
Note: We have retired our old forms and have replaced them with electronic forms inside of Workday. Team members who go through training will be given instructions on how to access the new job aids.
For those who have not gone through training yet: Please continue to use the old forms, listed below, until you receive training.

All resources on how to perform these tasks inside of Workday are located in the Workday Library, under Performance Management.